Welcome Back!

Semester 2, 2021

Welcome back to Reception!


Welcome back for Semester 2


It has certainly been a whirlwind start to Term 3. Congratulations on navigating online learning. We are so proud of the way the students participated in their learning. They have demonstrated a great amount of resilience, confidence, organisation and persisted to be successful. We hope you all enjoyed the insight into our daily teaching and learning and we have appreciated all of your support over the last couple of weeks. We are very happy to have the students back into our classrooms and having them busy again.


During semester 1 we had much to celebrate and created lots of wonderful memories together. The Reception children enjoyed presenting at various assemblies, celebrating Harmony Day and a fantastic excursion to the Festival Theatre to see 'Magic Beach' at the Dream Big Festival. There were lots of visits with our year 6/7 buddies, various sports clinics and we finished last term with a Disco and a Day on the Karrawira Pari to celebrate NAIDOC and Reconciliation Week. 


We are looking forward to meeting with families again to share and reflect on students goals, during the Goal Setting conferences in Weeks 

4 & 5. 


Kind Regards,

The Reception Teaching Team












R7 - Alisha Fox 


Libby Edwards (Wednesday)



R8 - Lauren Atkinson


Libby Edwards (Thursday)



R9 - Erin Perkas Erin.Perkas436@schools.sa.edu.au


Early Years Science

Richard Barwa



Voula Pagonis (Tuesday)



P.E - Amy Byrnes



German - Libby Edwards
