Visual Arts

Kerry Eeckman
Visual Arts Teacher
Year Five Single Line Blind Drawings
The Year Five students began the Visual Arts year by working through an activity that focused on reconnecting with our friends, after the long lockdown in 2020, defining what it is they value in their friendships. The students chose five friends in their class that came from a different grouping eg. Same interest, different culture, someone they would like to get to know, someone of the same gender, opposite gender, long term friend, new friend etc.
They then needed to define what it is about that person that they valued……and missed, during the long lockdown of 2020 eg. Good listener, honest, always positive, loyal, supportive etc.
The activity required the students to draw their five friends from a photo using a single line. They must not lift their pencil off the paper for the entire drawing of the portrait and they may only look at the page minimally as they are drawing. This was a difficult task for many who still wanted to be able to watch the paper instead of watching the photo they were drawing from.
The learning that came from this activity is to be very observant about the shapes and details that you are drawing. Many students found this a real challenge, some tried very hard to commit to the process, some found it uncomfortable and couldn’t. A very interesting process to go through.
Well done Year Five!