
Lisa Devereaux
Learning Specialist/Wellbeing
Megan Franklyn
Assistant Principal
Throughout the remainder of this year, our newsletter will include some important health and wellbeing topics to keep our bodies and minds in excellent shape!
The importance of ATTENDANCE…
According to the Department of Education, ‘going to school every day is the single most important part of your child’s education'.
Australian data indicates 1 in 4 students are missing 10% or more of school time. Missing one day a fortnight (5 days a term) is the same as missing 4 whole weeks of school a year. From Prep to Year 12 that adds up to 1.5 years of school!
Developing a positive experience of schooling helps your child develop the skills and knowledge to help them continue to learn, as well as social and emotional skills such as communication, resilience and teamwork.
It can be normal for students to go through a phase of not wanting to go to school. It’s important to find out why. Talk to your child about school and how important it is. You can ask them how they feel about school, what they like and if there are things going on that are a challenge for them right now.
Set a good example. Show your child how you keep to your own commitments, even when it might be something you’re not completely enthusiastic about - hello dentist appointment!
Encourage your child to take on hobbies they enjoy such as a sport or club. This will help develop confidence and positive relationships outside of the classroom.
Pack your child’s bag the night before with everything they will need. Encourage them to be part of the process as they become older to develop independence and make time for a nutritious breakfast. Plan to meet up with a friend so they can walk or ride to school together.
Work with your child’s teacher, and the school to find solutions.
Kingswood is following the Victorian Government advice when managing student illness.
Children who are unwell or displaying Coronavirus symptoms must stay at home. This is necessary for the health and wellbeing of our community.
Information adapted from