Camp Australia

Marisa Meo
Welcome back parents and families to Term 3!
We have so many fun and engaging programs planned for our amazing children.
I would like to firstly congratulate our Preps of the school on achieving 100 days of learning at Kingswood Primary School. This is such a significant milestone for them all as all completed their final weeks of remote learning and all got to dress up to celebrate their milestone. Josh and I are so proud of our Preps watching them grow each day 😊
This term, we will celebrate National Science Week in OSHC from Monday 16 August – Friday 20 August. Each day in Science Week will have its own ‘Science Theme’, all relating to the overarching theme – Food: Different by Design.
During science week, children will learn about why and how we use food as fuel. We have planned lots of hands-on experiments where children will get to participate in every activity and learn lots of cool facts.
On Wednesday 18th is when we will have a Fizzy Fun experiment. Fizzy Fun is an edible science activity, where children get to create their own sherbet. The sensory element of the experiment brings to life the chemical reaction as the sherbet fizzes on their tongues.
Here are some of our planned activities for Science Week!
Monday- snackable science: Rock candy
Tuesday- body science: Lifting fingerprints with forensics
Wednesday- fizzy fun: sherbet making
Thursday- snackable science: regrow celery
Friday- Chemical reaction: Lemon volcanoes