Japanese / Performing Arts Cultural Day

Narelle Vella
Performing Arts Coordinator
Teizo Kato
Japanese Coordinator
"We are very excited to inform you that our Japanese / Performing Arts Cultural Day has been rescheduled to Thursday 19th August."
To celebrate this year’s Olympic Games in Tokyo, Kingswood will have a combined Japanese / Performing Arts Cultural Day.
Students will be participating in Japanese cultural activities in classrooms throughout the day and will also experience Bollywood Dancing, Rhythms of Africa and Taiko Drumming incursions in the hall.
In keeping with past traditions of Kingswood’s Japanese Day, on this day, students have the following dress options:
Japanese costume - must be able to move freely in it as students will be dancing
Japanese colours: any clothing that is red and/or white
School uniform
It is not a ‘free dress’ or casual clothes day.
Students also have the following lunch options:
Sushi - preordered from https://sushi.net.au/school/kingswood-primary-school/
If you have already placed an order for the event on Thursday 22nd July that was cancelled, your order is still valid and will be honoured for the new date.
Bento Box - if parents or students would like to create one. This is brought from home. Although this is not a competition, the most creative ones will be photographed for a display.
Own lunch from home
Lunch can also be a combination of any of the above options.
If you have any questions about this day, please feel free to contact us.