...and a (Very) Wet Start

Year 9 in Their Own Space

It rained the first day of Term 1. A lot. So the tumble from the buses into our new Year 9 Campus in South Warrandyte was hindered only by a perfectly reasonable desire to dodge the worst of the puddles.


In her welcome to the new space, Year 9 Coordinator Rachel Arsenis told the gathered students, "This idea of something new is about stepping into opportunities, so I really want you to see this year as the moment to do that.  Congratulations on getting here - we're really excited about what this year is gong to look like."


And as Business Manager Jon Price commented, "It really is a  miracle that we've got here today, after the huge challenges of 2020."


It's also the fulfilment of a vision first expressed more than two years ago, for a development of the Year 9 programme completely away from the main school campus, where sustainable principles in a natural environment would form a key part of school life. 


Catch a glimpse of those first few minutes in this short video here: