In The Spotlight

The page where we meet alumni of Donvale and ask them

some searching questions about themselves.

This month's  guest is Jennifer Hetherington

(née  Elmer, Class of 2001) who bravely said yes. 

What gets you out of bed on a weekday?

My 2-year-old daughter Lily - weekday, weekend, day, night... Sometimes multiple times!

What was your first paid job?

McDonald's. I started this job when I was in Year 9 at school and did a couple of shifts a week, after school and on weekends. I met some great people and learned a lot about responsibility and accountability. However, going home smelling like greasy fries after each shift was a downside! 

Thinking back to your years at Donvale, what do you know now that you wish you’d known then?

If you are interested in learning an instrument, do it while you are young. It takes years to practise and develop your skills and younger brains learn and retain information much better than adult brains. When you're an adult, life is busy and you're time poor so something like learning an instrument will likely not be a priority. Do it while you have the time, inclination and while your parents will be paying for your lessons!

Who in the public eye would you most and least like to work with?

These people are very much in the public eye in these COVID times. Most - Brett Sutton. Least - Annastacia Palaszczuk.

What is the strangest situation you have been in at work?

I have been in many strange, funny, scary, dangerous, challenging and overwhelming situations throughout my career as a paramedic. The most memorable shift I ever did was working night shift on Black Saturday, based in Eltham and surrounding areas. We started with a routine handover at 4.30 from the day shift who had little to report, being as yet unaware of the scale of what was developing not far to the north of where we stood.
But within an hour of our shift start everything unravelled, and we found ourselves in the midst of one of the biggest natural disasters in Victoria's history. The devastation, exhaustion and absolute shell shock of everyone involved was palpable. However, over the coming weeks and months the strength, resilience, determination and compassion of the Victorian community that I witnessed and was a part of was phenomenal..

Who would you most like to be stuck in a lift with?

My first choice would be to be stuck with a lift mechanic! My second choice would be my friend Belinda. We would have no hope in working out how to escape, but at least we would spend the time having a good laugh.

What book are you reading at the moment?

I just finished reading 'The Lost Man' by Jane Harper.

What was the last CD you bought?

I can't remember, this was so many years ago! But the last music I listened to on Spotify was Tracey Chapman.

What song will always get you on the dance floor?

Summer of '69 by Bryan Adams... and I can't not mention The Horses by Darryl Braithwaite and Living on a Prayer by Bon Jovi!

Where is your favourite place in the world?

I spent some time living and working in a public health role in Chiang Mai, Thailand. I have very special memories of this place and time so I would have to choose this location. However, my favourite holiday was to the east coast of Canada: Nova Scotia and Newfoundland were breath-taking, and I can't wait to take my daughter to visit Canada one day.