Canteen News

Please note new temporary dates for Canteen in Term 3 



Canteen will be closed on Wednesdays ( but will be open on a Tuesday instead ) 


This will be shown on QKR 


Hot dogs will be available on Mondays and Tuesdays


These dates will be changed in QKR to avoid any confusion.


Winter Menu options


Have you noticed the new Winter food options?  You may have also noticed that certain foods are not available later in the week. If you have a favourite, the best thing to do is to order them earlier in the week, when we have plenty of supplies, so you don't miss out!



Do you need help with QKR or Compass? Please come to the office and see us, or call on 9876 3289 and we can help you through the steps to complete a lunch order.







Thank you

Justine W

Canteen Manager