Whole School Production

The Circus is Coming to Town

As we begin Week 4 thankfully we are back at school for onsite learning. I am very impressed with so many students completing their Home Learning for Performing Arts!  It was a lovely surprise to come back to school and the students were able to show me the dance I taught them via videos which so many of them had learnt. I am thrilled that they practiced, so a huge thank you to parents and  caregivers who contributed to this.


We will continue to learn the words to their class song, practice the dance steps, adding in dialogue, organising costumes, thinking about where they will need to stand on the stage and working cooperatively as small groups and a class in order to get tasks completed. Students learn the importance of persistence and if at first a task seems difficult, we can break it down into smaller steps and through repetition we are able to master it. 


This year our focus for our production is Circus and the theme is about 'never giving up.' We often will go to a circus and a particular trick or stunt may be performed and yet someone might drop the juggling balls or fall to the safety net from the trapeze. But these artists don’t give up and if they do make a mistake, they get up and keep going and try again. These are important life skills. 


Our finale for production is Shakira’s song Try Everything and the words remind us, that if “I keep falling down, I always get up now to see what’s next. I won’t give up, no I won’t give in till I reach the end and then I start again."


‘Sometimes we come last but we did our best.’  This notion of being resilient is another life skill and reiterating it to the students is a lesson in itself.


Thursday 16 September is our date for Production however we will need to ensure we have some back up plans in place, in case these Covid lockdowns continue to occur. Thank you to the parents who have offered their help already. Staff will be in touch soon to give you some small jobs. Please continue to bring in your child’s costumes to their classroom teacher.




Ms Lou Devoy