
Dojo Winners Free Dress Day

In celebration of positive behaviours and choices from Term 2, all students from Dillon - Blue team can enjoy a free dress day this Thursday 5 August. All students who received the highest number of Dojos in their class can also wear free dress on this day.  

Social Awareness

During Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) lessons this year, all students have been focusing on their emotions and personal strengths. This term, our SEL focus goes beyond students thinking about their own thoughts and feelings and onto how they interpret the feelings and actions of others. Social awareness is about respecting the diversity of others and focusing on the relationships we build. 


Key questions to ask your child could include:

  • How can you be kind to others?
  • What does diversity mean and why is it a good thing?
  • How can you fill somebody else’s bucket?
  • How can you be a good friend to others?
  • What were your acts of kindness today?

Emma Pattison

Wellbeing Leader