Learning and Teaching


Curriculum Overviews


At the end of Term 3, you would have received your child’s Curriculum Overview for Term 4.  These overviews provide you with the intended outcomes of what your children will be focusing on at school across all areas.  Please read these thoroughly so that you have a clear understanding on what is being covered and so that you can engage in dialogue with your child about their learning at school. 





Thank you to our families who are continuing to engage with your children’s learning on Seesaw.  Some of you leave comments, some of you simply click on the like button.  Both of these help us to see how your children’s learning through Seesaw engage our parent community.  Please make sure to hit the like button or leave a comment when you see your child’s learning. 


Like previous terms, children’s learning will be posted by their educators weekly that highlight an area of learning.  In Week 1 there will be no post to allow us to settle into the new Term, and no post on weeks 7 and 8 due to PSG meetings.

If you are have trouble accessing Seesaw, please let your child’s educator know.