From the P&C

The P&C met on Tuesday 25 October, and we had our best attendance at a meeting since the beginning of the year. Thanks to all parents who attended the meeting - lets hope our numbers continue to grow.


The committee is very pleased to share that we raised almost $2000 at the Guyra Family Fun Day through the BBQ and face painting. We would like to extend a huge thankyou to all of the secondary students and Mr Simon Hanly and Mrs Rebecca Smith, who organised and ran the face painting for us. We would also like to thank all of the parents who volunteered to help run the BBQ. We couldn't have raised this money without all of the support we received.


The P&C has agreed to sponsor an upcoming New England Conservatorium of Music, Chamber Music in Schools Program for all K to 6 students. This will be a wonderful opportunity for these students to learn about music and they will be treated to a 45 minute live music workshop presentation by some very talented musicians. Keep an eye out for notes which should be coming home soon.


We are also interested in hearing from any parents who might be interested in helping out during the Guyra Central School P&C shift at the Lamb and Potato Festival. Our shift is going to be Wednesday 18 January 2023 from 7am to 2.30pm. Gwyn Pearson has kindly offered to organise our roster - so if you can work the whole shift or even part of it, please contact the school or Gwyn to let them know. Many hands make light work - so more the merrier. This is always a great fundraising opportunity for us.


Our next meeting will be Tuesday 22 November at 6pm in the school staff room. If you are curious about what the P&C does and what we discuss, please join us. It's a great way to be part of our great school