Global Citizen Awards & Assembly Performances

Students will be presented with the GCA certificates at assembly at 3:00pm on Monday 24th October

Snapshot of Learning Assembly Performances

Year Level Performing   -   YEAR 5B

Date of Assembly           -    Monday 24th October 3:00pm

Parents are welcome to attend. Mask wearing is strongly recommended.


Matilda L  -  Persistence

Matilda has shown great persistence during our writing sessions as we move to our new dotted thirds books. She has been working hard on making sure that all her letters are formed and sitting in the correct spot. Great work Matilda!

Miru H  -  Respect and Quality Learning

Miru has shown a great deal of growth in his listening skills and respect during class discussions. It is also wonderful to see Miru complete his work to a very high standard. Go Miru!

Year 1

Ollie O  -  Quality Learning

Ollie has shown great enthusiasm towards all his learning so far this term. He has particularly displayed excitement in writing. We are so pleased to have you back Ollie!

Xavier W  -  Respect

Xavier has been working hard to help his friends and encourage cooperation and positive problem solving. Keep it up Xavier!

Year 2

Maggie S  -  Respect

Maggie consistently shows respect and care. She is the first to offer her help and always speaks politely to her peers and teachers.

Tom H  -  Persistence 

Tom has demonstrated persistence with his writing. He always maintains a positive attitude and work ethic. Tom uses resources around the classroom to assist him when needed.

Year 3

Taylor R  -  Persistence

Taylor challenges himself to achieve his very best in all his classwork. He is able to be attentive in class when there may be distractions around him. Well done Taylor.

Chloe L  -  Excellence

For always taking pride in her school work and giving her best in all learning areas. She is a quiet achiever that sets the class standard for diligence, respect and caring. Well done!

Year 4

Daniel S  -  Persistence 

Daniel’s consistent and persistent efforts during Fluency Pairs throughout the year have seen him become a stronger and more confident reader. 

Scarlett H  -  Excellence

Scarlett displays excellent work traits when learning collaboratively and independently. She is an excellent role model for her peers.

Year 5 

Michelle C  -  Excellence

Michelle asks pertinent and interesting questions in Science after reflecting on her learning, to try to further her understanding of light.

Charlee W  -  Excellence

For creating thoughtful and imaginative poems. We are so proud of you!

Elora O-B  -  Excellence

For taking her time with her work and her openness to feedback, ensuring it's to her best standard. Well done Elora!

Year 6

Jonathan J  -  Quality Learning 

Jonathan has made notable improvements to his organisation and effort to start tasks early and remain focused for longer. Well done!

Noah P  -  Quality Learning

For completing imaginative writing pieces for his Memory Album. Keep up the creative writing, Noah!

George K  -  Quality Learning

This term George has shown a commitment to completing his work and has been showing an improvement in his work habits. Keep up the great work!