Principal Report, Whole School & OSHC 

From the Principal...

It has certainly been a busy start to our final term with our Year 4 camp going ahead despite the torrential rain. Year 4 camp was well organised, well run and the supervising staff were attentive and supportive to all students in their care. I would like to thank Gregg W, Delia R, Melissa K, Amanda D and Angus D for their time and unbelievable enthusiasm throughout our stay at Lady Northcote Camp. We are now reviewing our camp processes for 2023 and in conjunction with the new school’s agreement. This may result in fewer camps and/or less days for each year level. This item will be on the agenda for the next school leadership meeting and with the consultative team. This week has also had many highlights with Helena Nash making it to regionals in athletics, Fire education occurring with our Foundation classes and much anticipation building for our Hawaiian disco. I am so looking forward to sharing in the fun at the senior disco tonight. 


OHS and Offsite Evacuation

This week, the school conducted an offsite evacuation to Wattle Grove. This was part of our emergency management plan and OHS requirements. The entire school undertook an emergency drill which replicated procedures if there was a fire or a need to remove ourselves from the school site. The drill went smoothly and chief wardens in each area provided feedback about any congestion or improvements required to ensure the safety of all students and staff in this scenario. 


Buildings and Grounds

It has been a challenging time for moving forward with projected building works. This is an outcome related to departmental building and grounds state-wide checks. Ormond PS had an extensive audit of all maintenance and ground aspects and drainage has been identified as a significant issue. The school has experienced significant flooding over the last few years and minor repairs and patch ups are not solving the issue. The VSBA (Victorian School Building Authority) are looking to resolve this issue – gutters, drains, run-offs, roofing etc. Also, on an incredibly positive note, we have been able to access our shade sail grant and we are working with our contractor to ensure the shade sail is ready to go for the start of the 2023 school year.



In 2023, there will be 15 straight classes across the school. We have staff who have picked up positions at other locations and we have successfully secured a Performing Arts teacher for three days a week. They will provide additional release time for staff to plan, but more importantly they will provide a comprehensive music and performing arts program to the entire school. The successful applicant has years of experience teaching instrumental music in the UK and they are extremely excited to join the staff at our school and our talented specialist team. We have also successfully secured a new ES staff member, Daniel – who has been here this week bonding with all students and working in classrooms. He has settled in extremely well and he will certainly be a highly valued Ormond PS staff member. A number of other fixed term contracts are currently advertised online, and we are still in the process of securing a Business Manager for 2023, as Jan Cassidy is officially retiring after more than 20 years here at OPS.


2023 Class Placements 

Should you have a genuine request for your child's class placement next year, please provide a written statement to the principal. Requests must have an educational basis with a reference to your child’s academic, social and emotional needs. Written requests (email here) must be received by Friday November 25th to be considered. This is the very final day we can consider placement options for your child/children. 


Our teachers are well tuned into friendships, productive learning partnerships, and student combinations that work well. So please trust them to make informed decisions, in relation to 2023 classes. Requests for teaching staff cannot be accommodated, as our teachers are trained to work anywhere from Foundation to Year 6. At the end of each year, the school may decide to create different teaching teams to ensure newer staff are well supported and mentored. 


Families/Students not returning to OPS in 2023 (Foundation to Year 5)

If you know that your child/children will not be continuing at Ormond Primary School in 2023, please email as soon as possible.

Please include your child's final day at OPS, the name of the new school they will be attending and a forwarding address if applicable. 

If your child is currently in Year 6 - this does not apply to you.


School Review

There is much work to do for the school review which occurs early in Term One, 2023. The staff and leadership will commence the school self-evaluation which will be submitted before the end of the calendar year. All departmental groups and professional learning action teams will have input into this reflective document. This sits alongside an OHS audit, maintenance and grounds review and accountability associated with policies and procedures. This is a significant amount of work for the school and staff. The new agreement creates many restrictions around expecting more from any individual in our workplace. I seek understanding from the school community as to our current situation, especially in times of excess work demands.


Lorraine Francis Award - Thomas C

Thomas was selected for this award for many reasons. One main factor is related to our belief that contributions to community may start out small, yet manifest over time through the eyes and appreciation of others. Thomas is to be acknowledged for his ability to uphold not only our school values but those of our local community and beyond. He is highly respectful to all – taking time out to engage with those around him. He is curious, sustainably aware and mindful of wider global considerations. He works tirelessly to ensure recycling is carried out well at our school, often carrying the load for others when it comes to emptying the recycling bins. He is a loyal member of the local scout group, enjoying opportunities to connect with other young people who have similar interests and a respect for nature and outdoor activities. 


During the pandemic, Thomas had immediate family members who were essential service workers. This kept him in the know and fostered his truly empathetic understanding of what was taking place in such challenging times. Thomas continues to reach out to others in need. He always offers support to students experiencing challenging days and he has rendered assistance to a child with bike issues in the local area. He would never hesitate to stop and help out! He is a remarkable young man who has much to look forward to! He willingly makes every effort to grow and extend himself in every possible way! That is why Thomas Cooper is a very worthy recipient of the Lorraine Francis Award. Congratulations Thomas!!

Student Achievement - Australia's Got Talent

We are excited announce that Felix Suo’s Australia's Got Talent (AGT) audition is coming this Sunday night 7:00pm 23 Oct AEST on Channel 7 and 7Plus, 23th Oct. Tune in and cheer on Felix as he wows the judges with his amazing piano skills! Well done Felix! 


Curriculum Day & Public Holiday Reminder

A reminder there is no school On Monday 31st October for a Curriculum Day, as well as no school on Tuesday 1st November for the Melbourne Cup Public Holiday. 


Kerri McLeod


Student Health and Wellbeing

Healthy eating and physical activity are associated with improved learning and concentration, better mood and behavior, healthy growth, weight and lifelong health and wellbeing.

The school’s Healthy Eating Policy supports this ethos.

For inspiration and ideas for snacks, swaps for unhealthy snack foods, sandwich fillings, recipes and information on the five food groups please refer to the PICK&MIX  chart and website.


We hope you and your children find these lunch box builders useful in planning and packing their lunch box with healthy foods they like. 


OPS Education Subcommittee

Out of School Hours

Curriculum Day

The Out of School Hours Program will be providing care on the Curriculum day, scheduled for Monday 31st October. For bookings please see the program booking sheet on the parent table, outside the hall, during session times or text your booking to the program mobile 0439111026.


2023 OSHC Enrolments

The 2023 OSHC Enrolments will be out in the coming weeks. 

These forms need to be completed each year for all students attending the program. Families joining the program for the first time must include your child's immunisation record with the enrolment form. 


January School Holiday Program

Bookings for the 2023 January School holiday Program will also be made available in the coming weeks. 

Stay tuned!


April Kopitz

Out of School Hours Coordinator

Ph:9578 5826. 


The Working Bee scheduled for this Sunday 23rd October has been postponed.

It will now be held on November 20th.

Lost Property

The lost property cupboard is literally over flowing! We kindly ask that if your child has missing items to please come and check the cupboard. You can come in and check at anytime throughout the school day, just be sure to sign in at the office. 

Please label all of your child's items (clothes, hats, containers) and encourage them to be responsible for their own belongings and to check the cupboards also. Although we have fabulous volunteers who donate a lot of their time on a regular basis to maintain and sort the cupboard, the amount of items left in the yard each day is overwhelming, and can be difficult to keep up with. We need the whole school community to help by doing their part, and check for their belongings regularly as well. 

Cyber Safety Parent Webinar

The final webinar for parents in our 'Healthy Families' series TACKLING TRICKY CONVERSATIONS will be hosted on November 17th.  

This webinar will focus on understanding barriers to healthy communication, working out “what” needs to be said and “when” and ideas to help you have conversations with kids who just won’t talk.

Pop the following date and time into your calendars and be sure to register prior to the event to access the replay if you are unable to attend the live session.

Presenter: Carley McGauran

Date: Thursday 17 November 

Time: 7.30pm (60 min)


Here is the link for you to register for the webinar:

Once registered you will be emailed a link to the webinar, a reminder on the day of the event and a link on the following day to access the replay.  

Remembrance Poppies

Poppies will be available to purchase from the office. SRC Leaders will also be bringing them around to classes over the next few weeks. 

Foundation News

This week the Foundation students were greeted by Ormond's local Firefighters. Our inquiry topic this term is based around our community, the people in it and how they can help us. The Foundation students and Firefighters talked about what is a good and bad fire, what number to call if they are in an emergency, examples of what an emergency looks like, who to ask for if they call the emergency number and the actions to take if there is a fire. We are very excited to our next visit by the Firefighters next week!

Year 2 News

On Wednesday, Year 2 students took part in this term’s cyber safety video workshop. Students learnt with the help of Ollie, how to be safe online and what to do if something doesn’t look or feel right.


Students in Year 2 students enjoyed a workshop on Robotics Lego. They worked cooperatively, followed instructions to build a carousel swing and a car. 

Year 4 News

Tug of War - A game or science?

Students recently went head to head in a game of Tug of War and we learnt that winning the game is not all about strength….it’s about friction!! It doesn’t matter how much strength you have if you don’t have enough friction from keeping yourself from sliding. The children worked out that you needed to be on the Murray Road end of the rope to win the game! The astro turf has an ever so slight incline making it easier for for the Murray Road team to pull the other team over the line. There was also more sand underfoot on the Ruby Street end making it a lot more slippery. The game led to some great discussions on friction, forces and motion. 


The Year 4 students braved the storm and had a fulfilling and exciting camp experience at Lady Northcote Recreation Camp. The children were praised by the camp staff for their politeness and gratitude for their meals and help on the activities, and the teachers were impressed with the cleanliness and neatness of the cabins. Here are some quotes from the students on their experience.


Abi - I really enjoyed camp because it made me experience how camp worked, and now I am really, really, really excited for grade five camp!!! 
Rebecca - Camp was immensely enjoyable even though it was pouring with rain.
Jack - I really enjoyed the giant swing even though it was scary.
Lola - I thoroughly enjoyed the experience of Year 4 camp because everybody learnt new things and had a shot at the awesome activities.
Jordan - My camp experience was the best I could have ever asked for because, in archery, every time I shot an arrow at the targets I got better at aiming with a bow and arrow!
Clementine - I really enjoyed the giant swing, I was glad I went to the very top because it was very fun!
Harrison - At camp, I loved the giant swing because it was new to me and I loved the height and the speed that I got.
Seb - At Year 4 camp I really loved yabbying because I literally got two yabbies on my first try!! 
Louie - I really enjoyed archery. I wasn't the best at it but I really liked it and I got the hang of it after a while.
Olivia M - My most favourite experience at Year 4 camp was canoeing because the Year 4s got to tip over at the end and my friend Lola and I got to canoe with Mrs McLeod.