
Foundation Transition

At Karoo Primary we place a high priority on our Transition Program with our aim being to make the move from pre-school to primary school as smooth as possible. Children and parents are encouraged to participate in our Transition Program to explore the exciting and stimulating programs we offer.  Parents are invited to the library during Sessions 1-3 to learn about our programs and how to prepare your child for school, and to a Morning Tea and Second Hand Uniform Sale during Session 4.


Make a note in your diaries of the following important dates :


Session 1:    Thursday 27th October 2022 from 9:30-10:30am    

                         Students:  Classroom session / Parents:  Literacy

Session 2:    Thursday 10th November 2022 from 9:30-10:30am

                         Students:  Visit the speacialist areas / Parents:  Numeracy

Session 3:    Tuesday 22nd November 2022 from 9:30-10:30am

                         Students:  Classroom session / Parents:  Wellbeing

Session 4:    Tuesday 6th December 2022 from 9:30-10:30am

                         Students:  Classroom session / Parents:  Morning Tea 

Session 5:    Foundation Transition Day - Tuesday 13th December 2022  

                         from 9:15-11:15am

                         Students:  Meet their teacher and classmates for 2023


Children enrolled at Karoo attend these 5 transition sessions. Your child will attend school for an hour or so and participate in activities with Foundation teachers and other future 2023 Foundation students.  The final session of this official program is the Foundation Transition Day on Tuesday 13th December where students will participate in a fun filled morning with their 2023 teacher and classmates (BYO favourite teddy bear or soft toy). Bookings are essential for all sessions.

Parent Information Session

Fitting into Foundation Parent Information Night

Wednesday 16th November 2022 6:00-7:00pm

An informative parent only session to support getting your child school ready as well as other aspects about your first year at Karoo.


If you have any questions regarding the Transition Program or your child starting school, please don’t hesitate to contact the Danielle Heatley on 9759 6222. 


2023 Foundation Enrolments

Do you have a child starting Foundation in 2023 and not yet enrolled?

Please drop in to the office and collect an enrolment form to ensure your child does not miss out on our wonderful Transition program!