What's Happening in the Classroom

Senior School

Year 5/6

This term has started with a lot of energy! The students in Grade 5/6 have been keen to go to their swimming lessons each day and are excited for our next Sports Gala Day on Wednesday.

Our big question for Religious Education is, “How can we be a light in the world?” last week, the students learned about the Presentation Sisters, our school’s founders. They also learned about Nano Nagle, the lady with the lantern who was the foundress of the Presentation Sisters. The students were very engaged in their learning. 

We will begin our Inquiry unit this week which will link to our Religious Education and Social and Emotional Learning, with our Inquiry question being “How can we be a light for others?”. The students will be immersed in the Design Technologies curriculum for this unit.


In Maths, we are beginning the term with Multiplication and Division. The students will be exposed to different methods that they can use to solve both types of equations. Later in the term, we will cover other areas of mathematics. As multiplication is used in many areas of our everyday lives, I would encourage all parents to ensure that students learn their multiplication facts (times tables) at home. 


In Literacy, students have begun to learn about synthesising to develop new understanding, deeper understanding or even challenge the current understanding of a text. We have also begun using the Daily Review phonics teaching structure, and all the students have engaged. During the swimming weeks, grammar will be our writing focus, and the rest of the term will include poetry, reflection writing for the year 6’s and speech writing for the year 5’s.