Principal's Notes

Dear families and friends, 


Welcome to back to our final term for 2022. This term is always busy with lots of exciting events happening and the transition days for our Year 6s and our 2023 Foundation students.  An invitation to our new Foundation students has been sent out this week with their upcoming dates. 


We have our grounds looking magnificent as always and this is due to our hardworking lawn mowing crew of Nikaila and Cody Glenn. Trent Adams has also ensured our grounds and buildings are 'spic and span' with the gutters cleaned out, paths tidied, capeweed sprayed and a general grounds clean up.   


Fleece and Flower Show

All the students in the school are busy preparing their projects and writing tasks for the Fleece and Flower show. The amount of effort and the hours already put into their projects so far has been amazing. The students and teachers should be very proud of themselves. I am really looking forward to seeing the completed pieces. Mrs Brabham has been busy collating the art entries as well. 


First Aid Training

Today, Mrs Brabham is not at school as she is updating her First Aid Certificate in Hamilton. Miss Thompson is updating her CPR qualifications next week in an evening session too.


Upcoming Health Talks Year 5 & 6 

In the next few weeks, the Year 5 and 6s will be having a puberty session with Stu Wilder and Jenaye Kerr. Stu and Jenaye are from WDHS and are Community Nurses with the Women and Men's Health Service.   Please note that the original date in the permission note has now been changed. Stu and Jenaye are confirming a new date.


Cricket Blast Competition 

Next Friday, we are sending a team of enthusiastic and keen cricketers from Years 5 & 6 into the Blast Competition at Pedrina Park. The team is being coached by Craig Shipcott and Mrs Brabham. Craig and Mrs Brabham have already been busy practising with the team and developing their cricket skills. We look forward to hearing about their experiences More details will come in the upcoming newsletters. 


Golf Catering

A huge thank you to all the families who provided food, organised and donated their time for the golf catering day last Sunday. Parents Club also had another catering day today!  We are very thankful to the Parents Club for all their hard work.  A special mention to Ava and Pippa who helped take orders, handled the money and even done a bit of upselling!



Lions Club Paper Truck

Thanks to the families that donated their time to help the Lions Club load papers on Sunday.  It was lovely to hear that some of our students were there lending a hand - Darcy, Justin, Jack, Hughie, Thomas, Emma and Lexi (sorry if I missed anyone).


Thank you

Thank you to Troy Duncan and Lachie Crawford for assisting us in breaking into the staff toilet when it got locked, with no key in sight! 


Malee's tree is looking amazing in full bloom at the moment.  So pretty!





Have a great weekend,

Lisa Ferrier