At Korumburra Secondary College we know that one of our strengths is our ability to know each and every student, and provide individualised learning and pathways. Our careers program is one element that helps us achieve this. Co-ordinated by our amazing careers co-ordinator, Karen Sorrell, our careers program spans Year 7 – 12. This program allows students to gradually build an understanding about their interests and strengths, careers and pathways that may be of interest to them, then how to access post-secondary school training and education or employment. A report on students’ work in our careers program is available at the end of each semester through a Learning Task on ACE. This work also enables our staff to further understand our students and provide further individualised learning and pathways opportunities.
In Year 9, as part of our careers program, students complete Morrisby Interviews. These have been occurring over the last two weeks. This is an opportunity for students to complete an online survey about their interest and strengths, then have a one-on-one online meeting with a qualified careers practitioner. Speaking with students after this they found this is highly valuable experience, with many now considering exciting options for the future that they may not have previously considered.
Work Experience is the centrepiece of our Year 10 careers program. This will take place early next term and all students are now finalising their arrangements for this.
In other events, congratulations to our senior volleyball team who made it to the state finals last week. These students competed against much larger schools from Bendigo and metropolitan Melbourne. While they were not the overall winners on the day, they once again showed that KSC can match it with much larger schools.
Tomorrow’s student-free day marks the halfway point of this term. Staff will be using this day to collaboratively plan the second half of the term, including our mid-year exam period. We encourage students to also use tomorrow’s “half-time break” to tidy up any work from the first half of this term that is outstanding, and start to focus what will be coming up in the second half of this term.