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Decodable texts in the primary classroom

We are now incorporating decodable readers as a part of the English curriculum when teaching students to read. Decodable readers are books that contain words that can be decoded phonetically. These books are useful for teaching reading because they allow students to focus more on recognition of the individual sounds (letters) that make up words rather than simply recognising whole words. By gradually teaching students to identify the sounds within words, they can better understand the material they read and build stronger reading skills.


Why should I read with and to my child at home?

  • Research shows that reading aloud to your child is the single most important thing you can do to prepare your child for reading and learning
  • Models what good reading sounds like
  • Nurtures a love of reading of good quality literature
  • Strengthens bonds with your child
  • Develops oral language through discussion
  • Expands their vocabulary