Inside the Classroom


Classes 6, 11 and 13 enjoyed participating in National Simultaneous Storytime last week. The story was The Speedy Sloth. Classes enjoyed hearing the story and then completing some activities around the book.

Class 6 have been working hard in class and enjoying lots of activities. They have used a number of different techniques in art including pulling string through paint.

Class 10 are making a lot of different things in pottery with Mr Windsor each Thursday. The students are loving making shapes and patterns in the clay and seeing how they turn out after they have been in the kiln. Other activities have seen the students involved in sport, the retreat and cooking.

Class 13 had a great time visiting the retreat and Mini Woolies last week. The students role played making a lot of purchases at Woolies and were excellent employees as they returned every product correctly on the shelves. Some of the students chose to relax at the retreat instead of shopping. Class 13 have also been using Bee-Bots in maths lessons. These have been fun to program and have been of great interest to the students. 

Kari Priest

Primary Assistant Principal


Stage 4 

Stage 4 had a farewell party for their friend Tyrone who is moving to the South Coast.  It is very exciting because Tyrone has never seen the beach.  Students enjoyed party food and shared stories and happy memories about Tyrone.  Staff will miss his helpful and happy nature and his peers will miss his kindness and thoughtfulness.  Good luck on your new adventure Tyrone.  Your new school is very lucky!


Cassie Lloyd

Stage 4 Assistant Principal

Stage 5

For science in stage 5, students have been investigating Earth and Space. Class 9 students had to design an oven to melt marshmallows using the sun as the heat source. They had a box, aluminium foil and black paper to construct the oven. The 2 groups have different designs which they came up with but found the temperature was hotter inside their oven then outside during the testing. 

Class 7 visited Moulder Park as part of their unit on Road Safety. They used the mini road signs and line markings to practice road user safety as pedestrians.

Class 9 worked together on Sorry Day to create a poster to display in their classroom. While doing this they spoke about the significance of Sorry Day in our national history,

Stage 5 have been participating in the Safer Relationships program by NSW Health. The classes have been learning about safe and respectful relationships, boundaries and respect for themselves.


Elke Cunial

Stage 5 Assistant Principal 

Stage 6 

Primary Industries students have been busy visiting The Anson Farm to practice their propagation skills, potting up plants and caring for seedlings. Students have practiced their farm safety practices and used a variety of gardening equipment. 

Friday was Sorry Day and Stage 6 students discussed the meaning of Sorry Day, its significance in history and how we can as a stage reflect and be respectful when learning about Sorry Day leading up to Reconciliation Week. Class 1 and 4 students held respectful conversations about Sorry Day and reflected using yarning cards and adding their ideas to a jamboard while watching the Adam Goodes documentary, The Australian Dream. Classes 2 and 3 listened and reflected upon the reading by Archie Roach "Took the children away". 

Skills house has been a buzz with students visiting the Mini-Woolies space, skills house home hub and retreat. Students have been working through their independent living skills checklists, office skills and hygiene routines. 

Jess Hodder 

Stage 6 Assistant Principal 



Functional Fitness remains a favourite time of the week for Campus students. We have risen to the challenge of tyre flipping and are really enjoying pushing ourselves physically. Team sports are a great opportunity to develop our communication, sportsmanship and team building skills

Last week classes joined together for Campus PE. Combining what we have been learning in our History unit on Pop Culture with news and current affairs and some physical activity, the staff demonstrated the skills involved in dancing to "Nutbush City Limits." 

As part of their History unit on Pop Culture, Class 19 travelled to Manildra recently to have a look around the Amus Theatre and Museum. They really enjoyed stepping back in time and learning about ......


Students have also been participating in activities with Mr Gell in the Work Room, comparing the sugar content in the ingredients list at MiniWoolies, as well as creating a recycled art work for the Waste to Art competition

Kate Griffen 

Head Teacher Campus