From the Principal

Dear parents and carers


Winter has officially arrived today, although we have already had frosty mornings, chilly winds, and cloudy days. The cold weather also means flu season and we still need to give consideration to Covid-19 and its impact on our school. If we have a cluster of cases then we will need to move some classes to learning from home. The Covid-19 response team monitors our school closely and provides advice around increased measures required to limit the spread of infection. Thank you to all our families who are helping to keep our students safe by monitoring for symptoms and keeping children home when necessary. 


During the colder weather students are rugging up in warm jumpers and coats. Our full winter uniform is available at the Orange Clothing Company including a navy anorak - perfect for Orange weather. Please clearly label all items of clothing so they can be returned if found. If you need assistance with purchasing winter uniform items, please phone the school office.


Last week was National Volunteer Week. We are grateful to all of the volunteers who assist our students in their learning activities. A special thank you to the volunteers at RDA and our hardworking P&C. A Draft Partnership Agreement between the Department of Education and the P&C Federation of NSW has been released and is open for feedback. Information and the survey link in 'What's Happening'.


Whenever new families, students, therapists and potential staff arrive at school they are offered a walkthrough to look at all of the wonderful things we are doing and offering to our students. They are always surprised and excited when they see Mini-Woolies and the Skills House and comment on what an amazing resource it is for our students. Pop into the school if you would like to see what they are talking about!


Next week the Dental Van will arrive on Monday to do check-ups on the students who have returned permission notes. This is a valuable service provided free to our students each year.


Stay warm and well and enjoy reading this edition of our newsletter!



Julie Hudson

(Rel) Principal