Year 5/6 Report

What a great start to the term!
The 5/6’s are now moving into the ‘Going Further’ phase of our ‘Sustainability’ Inquiry topic. Students started looking into the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and renewable energy sources.
Through exploration of different texts, such as ‘Our House Is On Fire’, students have prepared and presented debates on numerous topics on renewable energy and climate change. Towards the end of term, we will move into exploring explanation texts and creating an iMovie to explain the process of sustainable ways of living.
Last Thursday, the students in 5/6 A & B went to the Melbourne Museum to participate in a climate change workshop and to explore the various galleries on offer to extend their understanding of this term's inquiry topic. All students thoroughly enjoyed the day! 5/6 C & D will be attending the Museum next Thursday.
5/6 winter interschool sport has officially wrapped up! Well done to all teams who participated and represented the school community with great team spirit and attitude. Results will be shared at assembly!