Year 1/2 Report

During week 4 and 5 this term the 1/ 2 students embarked on their swimming lessons.
With the support from Teachers, Educational Support staff and Parent Helpers the lessons went off without a hitch.
The students were well prepared each day and enjoyed, even though it was short, the busy journey to the pool. Once there the students learnt and practiced core swimming skills and techniques and participated in lifesaving and pool safety lessons. The swimming instructors were friendly and well organised and made the student’s swimming experience one to remember.
By the end of week 5, the students were very much looking forward to their final session as they anticipated the pool celebration. The photos shown are a snapshot of 1/2A and 1/2C thoroughly enjoying and engaging in their lessons and final celebration. On behalf of the 1/ 2 teaching team, we would like to thank everyone that was involved in making this year’s swimming excursions a success.