Principal Report

A message and update from Nathan Gage

Fruit Bowl

We love fruit here at Aberfeldie! And thanks to the generous support of an absolute legend, we have delicious fruit available at the office for our students. The fruit in our fruit bowl is for everyone, particularly those students who may need a healthy 'pick-me-up' or have not had a fruit snack, and we are working to support the fair sharing of this delicious and healthy addition to our community. 

Somers Camp

Every two years our school is offered a limited number of places at the Department of Education and Training’s Somers School Camp. This year our allotted time is from Tuesday November 28th- Wednesday 6th December. Children who gain selection from our school will join with 160 Grade 5 and 6 children from our school district in this very special Outdoor Education and Personal Development program. An expression of interest and application detail Newsfeed will be sent out through Compass this week. This is an awesome opportunity, feel free to come and chat with myself for more information.


Upcoming Staff Leave

We have a small number of staff taking some extended leave over the coming weeks and into next term. We wish them all the best with their time and look forward to welcoming them back. Where possible, we have coordinated consistent teachers as replacements for this time, so that the learning and support continues in their absence. We wish Sophia, Emma Hill, Dezi, Lexie, Jack, Jen and Ashlee all the best for their time off. Details of the exact dates will be shared directly to the classes of these staff members, through SeeSaw. The learning will continue as normal throughout these times.


Temporary Fencing Around Carpark

Many of you would have noticed the quick addition of some temporary fencing around the carpark at Doone St. It has been set up in quick response to advice from the Department to provide additional safety for our students and also the vehicles in this space. Whilst it has always been an 'out of bounds' area and students are fantastic at keeping away, the fencing provides an additional physical reminder of the importance of not entering this space. The temporary fencing is simply that, 'temporary' as we look and consider more attractive permanent alternatives.