Year 5 News

As the end of the term is approaches, the year 5s aren't showing any signs of slowing down the pace. 



The students have finished quite an intense half a term of writing. The focus of figurative language saw the classes experiment with metaphors, similes and personification. 



The students have continued to explore fractions and how to add and subtract like, related and unrelated denominators. We then moved onto fractions of a whole, which will help the students solve real world problems like splitting into smaller groups, telling the time etc.



To cap off our Unit of Inquiry; How the World works, the students will be holding a showcase. The Year 5's have already been hard at work researching a natural disaster of their choosing, and exploring an affected region and a specific disaster that has occurred in history. Once they have finished their research, they will then be tasked with coming up with a solution to one issue that arises before, during or after the disaster has struck. Their solution can be a product that is designed to help prevent the disaster from becoming severe, or a service to help the impacted communities after the event is over.


While completing the research in the classroom, the children will also be creating models of their solution at home, which they will return to school to form their presentation. 


The showcase will take place over an entire day and have all year levels come through to watch, as well as their families and friends.

2023 PYP Exhibition in the SLC

How The World Works Showcase of Learning

On Tuesday 6 June 2023.

Parents are welcome from 2.30pm.


The end is close, so keep up the amazing work Year 5s.