Year 4 News
During literacy we have been learning about open and closed questions. Students have learnt how to formulate and develop these for research on our body system.
Children have learnt that open questions also referred to as “thick” questions invite many responses and promote discussion, whereas closed questions “thin” questions have factual answers and are more useful for fun facts.
Students have completed a pre-test on division and begun learning about the relationship between the inverse operations of multiplication and division.
Unit of Inquiry & PYP
Students have selected their body system to research for their individual project and designed a mixture of five open and closed questions on OneNote. They are now launching into their independent research during inquiry sessions.
Well done to the three certificate recipients at our year level assembly this week, Griffin in 4A who was reflective, Olivia in 4B who was balanced, and Cameron in 4C who was an inquirer.
Cross Country
Congratulations to all Year 4 students who made it to the division cross country – a marvellous achievement.
Students have been learning about the science of light and sound to help prepare them for their body inquiry. See the video and picture below where students are using their voices to make the rice vibrate. Thank you Mrs Graham for being so enthusiastic and keeping students engaged and excited to be in the science room.