Year 3 News


In Year 3 sport we have been playing Newcombe ball. The way you play it is you have a net in the middle of the court there are 11 people in a team and the aim is to get the ball to land on the other team’s ground. We are learning all the different skills involved in playing Newcombe ball including throwing and catching, team work and communication on the court. 

It’s been good fun playing in our grades but we are now looking forward to our house group competition which starts next week.

By Mason H


Year 3 Swimming started on 15 May. It was a two-minute bus ride to Tulip St Swim Centre. Once we got there, we were sorted into levels. 

There were 8 levels. We did it for nine days and we were pretty tired at the end of each day.  It was so much fun and our teachers were all really nice. 


The most important day was the safety day on Thursday. We learnt our survival strokes, how to rescue people in different ways and we got to go swimming in our clothes. It was awesome. 

By Charlotte S and Ellie R 

Class Presentations

Last week, all of the Year 3’s did their presentation on their chosen notable Indigenous Australian. We did all of our research at school and put all of the information into PowerPoint slides. 


When it was time to perform a lot of people were nervous about it but at the end everyone did it. We learnt a lot about lots of different notable Australians such including Jessica Mauboy, Paddy Mills and Ash Barty.

By Lila M and Harriet D

Sorry day 

Last Friday all BNPS students dressed up in the colours of the Indigenous Flag for “Sorry Day”. We have been doing some activities about Sorry Day and learning about apology from the Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd.

Sorry Day is about history and Indigenous Australians who were part of the Stolen Generation. We are knowledgeable about this topic and we have been open-minded as we listen to other people’s experiences. At BNPS, we try to treat everyone fairly and equally and ensure everyone is included.

By Ned V, Evelyn F and Sam S

Reading Rockstars

Congratulations to our Reading Rockstars for this week– Max R (3C), Maxon B (3C), Sophie D (3A), Alex M (3B), Izzie D (3A). Stevie C (3A), Zac N (3B), Ellie R (3C), Piper S (3B), Jack A (3B), Johanna A (3C), Xavier N (3C)