Student Interview 

Student Interview with Lexie, Lila & Eva


What do you love about school?

Lexie - I love playing with my friends

Lila - I love my sport lessons

Eva - I like coming to school to see my friends and teacher

What are you most proud of?

Lexie - Completing cross country I came 5th

Lila - I am proud of coming 9th

Eva - I am proud of finishing cross country


Who is your hero?

Lexie - My mum is my hero

Lila -  My mum is my hero too

Eva - My mum too



Do you play a sport or have a 


Lexie - I play basketball for Sharks Power

Lila - Basketball with Lexie 

Eva - Gymnastics at Highett Youth Club


What do you want to be when you grow up?

Lexie - I want to be a hairdresser

Lila - I would love to be an Artist

Eva - I want to be a Vet


What did you see recently that made you smile/be happy?

Lexie - My best friends

Lila - Playing basketball with my friends

Eva - Playing on the monkey bars with my friends



If you had a wish, what would you wish for?

Lexie - I would have a flying puppycorn

Lila - To have a unicorn

Eva - To have a horse