Hospitality News

Congratulations Jessica McMaster
A huge congratulations goes to Jessica McMaster in Year 12 for successfully making it through the interviews and being nominated as a finalist for the 2023 NSW Training Awards - Riverina Region, facilitated by NSW Department of Education and the Riverina-Murray Vocational Education & Training Committee Inc. Jessica is in the running to be awarded the VET Student of the Year (Riverina Region).
Jessica has been a fantastic contributor to the T3 Dining project as Team Leader, and is a passionate VET Hospitality student. She has also recently been awarded the T3 Dining Employee of the Month.
The Award Presentation will be held at The Wagga Wagga Civic Theatre in June. Let's wish Jessica all the best of luck!
If Jessica successfully wins this award, she is then running in for the VET Student of the Year Award for the entire state of NSW!