News & Notices

Junior Joeys News
Junior Joeys have been hard at work learning about the Australian Organisation, Caritas. Caritas works hand in hand with the most marginalised communities in Australia and overseas, to confront the challenges of poverty.
For the past fortnight, we have been diving into the ‘see’ part of the see, think, do model, and learning about poverty, and some of the people that Caritas supports. One of the stories that stood out to us was Thu’s story.
Thu’s Story
Thu lost his leg after stepping on a landmine in Vietnam. With the generosity of donations to Caritas, Thu can now earn extra income and support his wife as she recovers from a stroke.
We encourage anyone who would be interested in joining the good works of Junior Joey's, to come along to our next meeting!
Sushi pre-orders
Dear Parents and Carers,
Please note that Sushi will be available to order from the Canteen for lunch on Wednesday, 7 June. It will be $6 per roll.
Pre-orders for the following menu items are due by 11:59 pm on Monday, 5 June (all other lunch items will be due on the day by 8:50 am, as per usual).
Crumbed Chicken & Avocado with Soy Sauce
Salmon & Avocado with Soy Sauce
Tuna with Soy Sauce
Prawn & Carrot with Soy Sauce
All of the above will be prepared by Palmer's Market.
Please be aware that once the pre-order cut-off time has passed, these items will no longer be available, and we will not be able to accept any more orders.
All Canteen orders are to be placed via the Compass app each Wednesday by 9:00 am.
The Morning Tea & Lunch Canteen Menu is available to view and order via Compass. Please find both Mobile & PC Instructions attached.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
This is just a reminder that, wherever possible, all volunteers must have a current Working With Children’s Check.
What will I need?
- personal details, including date and place of birth
- your original proof of identity documentation.
How do I apply?
- Visit the Service NSW website
- Select the 'Apply online' button.
- Select 'Apply for your Check'.
- Select 'Continue and apply'.
- Complete the online form, ensuring the name you enter matches your identity documents exactly.
- Visit a service centre to present your original identity documents.
What will it cost?
Applying for a Volunteer WWCC is FREE.
If you have any further questions, please contact the school office.
Kind Regards,
St Joseph's Primary
Young Einstein's ScClub
Please see the following flyer for further information
Corey Tutt Literacy
CCSP is excited to invite all families who have children enrolled in Catholic schools across NSW and the ACT to join us in a literacy event. Acclaimed author and scientist, COREY TUTT will read from his book, THE FIRST SCIENTISTS, to you and your child.
Parents and carers, you can pick up a few tips to help get the most out of reading with your child at home to improve their literacy skills
Please see the following flyer for further information
Catholic Schools NSW Road Safety information
Please see the following for further information
ADIG Bonus Saver
Please see the following links for further information.
Below is a link to our website to access our full terms and conditions and disclosure statement.
Narrabri Tennis Clinic
Please see the attached flyer for further information.