REC News

Dear Parents and Carers,
I would like to thank all the families and friends who attended our Catholic School Week open classrooms and assembly. It was wonderful to see so many people support our students as we celebrated our CSW theme, ‘Renew with Hope’. Each class performed a song or poem for our guests. We are incredibly proud of all our students for their effort during the performances.
This Sunday marks the end of the Easter season with Pentecost. After Jesus’ Ascension into heaven, the disciples spent 9 days praying in Jerusalem while waiting for the Holy Spirit, just as Jesus had told them to do. Pentecost falls fifty days (seven weeks) after Easter, marking the descent of the Holy Spirit onto the Disciples. The liturgical colour for the day is red. You may see many people wearing red, including the priest.
A friendly reminder, our Reconciliation Rite of Enrolment Family Mass will be held on Sunday, 28th May, at 11 am. All families are welcome to attend and celebrate Mass with our parish community. Please bring a plate to share for morning tea.
Yours in faith,
Karlee Hatton
Religious Education Coordinator