Student news & reviews

Chess Tournament

On Monday 5th June, the a small group of oustudents attended a chess tournament and represented Highvale Primary. This is the first time we’ve participated in a chess tournament for a long time and our students achieved some great results.


Individual awards:

Steven – Distinction, 12th place (96 participants) - Bronze trophy

Jai – Credit, 28th place

Ethan – Credit, 30th place

Caleb – Credit, 40th place

Participation: Kieren, Kurtis and Zoe


Overall award:

Highvale finished in 5th place out of 12 teams and received the following special mention on behalf of our school.

“A special mention in this regard to the impressive new team from Highvale Primary, who were very enthusiastic and scored really well in mixing it with this field of seasoned tournament performers”.  


PBL Stars of the Week

Congratulations to the students who have recently received a PBL Star of the Week Award for great work and demonstrating our school values.


Awarded Friday 26th May

Prep K - Sarah

Prep C - Oscar

1R - Swanik

1E - Hana

2Q - Faith

2U - Sidarrth

3S - Chloe

3N - Ashley

4D - Billy

4H - Shahbaaz

5/6L - Ibrahim

5/6S - Luke

5/6G - Daniel

5/6D - Liam