Leadership Report

Thursday 8 June


Dear Parents, Students and Friends,

Student Events, Activities and Programs

Senior Playground – I have recently been in communication with the Playground company. Our new senior playground installation is planned for early August. We will keep the school community updated closer to this date. It is very exciting, and will no doubt be popular with students when it is built!


Cross Country

We had three students attend the recent Division Cross Country on Wednesday 31st May.

Cameron, Alhan and Quincy all did an amazing job in their races and should be proud of their achievements. You represented Highvale Primary School admirably. Well done!


Reconciliation Week & Sorry Day

The theme for National Reconciliation Week in 2023 was ‘Be a voice for generations’. It encouraged all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation in tangible ways in our everyday lives – where we live, work and socialise.



National Sorry Day marks the anniversary of the tabling of the Bringing them Home report in the Australian Parliament in 1997. The report detailed the history of the forced removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families, often referred to as the Stolen Generations, under laws enacted by Australian governments.

Students took the opportunity to learn more about Aboriginal life in lessons and our senior students explored the significance of Sorry Day. 


Reports / Parent Teacher Interviews

Our Parent Teacher Interviews (PTIs) for Semester 1 are held at the beginning of Term 3. This year, PTIs will take place on:

Wednesday 19th July - 3.45-8.15pm

Wednesday 26th July from 3.45-4.45pm. 

Please pop these dates in your diary and keep them free to meet up with your child’s teacher. Booking information will be sent out shortly.


2022 Year 6 Student Tiles

Last year, our Year 6 students each created a tile to form part of a mural to be displayed outside our office entrance. The mural was put up last week and looks great. Thanks to Mrs. Sinclair and the students involved, many of whom do pop back in to our school and will be happy to see their creation on display. (Please note: The wooden board will be removed when the glue has dried!) 

We look forward to seeing the contribution of our current Year 6s later this year.



Student Attitude to School Survey

We recently completed our Student Attitude to School survey with students in Years 4-6. All students in the state complete the same survey - up to Year 12. The information helps us understand how our students are feeling about a wide range of topics and assists us with our school review and future Annual Implementation Plan goals. 


School Photo Day

Last week, school photo day ran smoothly thanks to the support of staff and our wonderful school captains. 


World Environment Day

On Monday we held our World Environment Day and many students (and staff) dressed in environmental themed clothes. This is just one of the many ways our Green Team are promoting sustainability and caring for our environment. Thanks to Ms. Giakoumis and Mrs. Yencken for supporting this great cause.


ThinkUKnow Parent Session & Student Sessions

Just a reminder that our ThinkUKnow parent session will be held on Wednesday 21st June at 7.30pm. I cannot recommend it enough that all families send one representative to find out the current strategies for keeping your children safe online. Please note, no students or children can attend this session due to the topics covered. Please confirm your attendance via the School Stream notice.


A ThinkUKnow student session will also be held on Friday 23rd June and will cover ways to stay safe with age appropriate information. 


Buddies Day

We will be holding Buddies Day on Thursday 22nd June. Our Year 6 student leaders will be planning and preparing lessons for students as part of our commitment to enhancing Student Voice in the school. The afternoon includes a Just Dance Off with all classes in the MPC as requested by the Student Representative Council. 

Student Wellbeing Officer

I’d like to welcome Natalie Deacon who is our new Student Wellbeing Officer. Nat will spend Mondays and Tuesdays working with our Prep students, assisting with their transition into primary school life. 

With a background in community services, Natalie has worked with children and youth since 2017. She has therapeutically supported young people directly within the Department of Education. Additionally, Nat has supported staff and adult learners with her role at TESSA Inc, she is an experienced trainer and delivers the TESSA Inc Managing Challenging Behaviour training as well as managing placement for tertiary students.

Natalie ran her own interior decorating business for over 20 years and chose a complete career shift after volunteering with a group of young people. She loves to inspire others to understand why our young people behave the way they do and the best interventions to support them. Welcome Nat!

Stay well this winter

We are experiencing a significant rise in flu/cold (Covid cases) for both students and staff this term. As you would be aware, the Covid Guidelines have changed with the passing of time, reflecting changing conditions. Current Covid Guidelines require staff to stay home for 5 days if they contract Covid. For students, the guidelines recommend a 5-day stay at home from school. Whilst it is not a requirement for students, we would strongly recommend that parents consider doing so to keep our school a healthy place to learn and work in. We ask that any student showing signs of illness do NOT attend school. As per department guidelines, if any student is presenting with compatible symptoms such as sore throat, cough, fever, or cold-like symptoms, a parent/guardian will be required to collect the student as soon as possible.


Highvale Primary School always endeavours to cover class teacher absences with a Casual Relief Teacher. In recent weeks this has become increasingly difficult to do with higher number of staff absences due to illness and Casual Relief Teacher shortages across the state. We do our very best to replace absent teachers but this isn’t always possible.


Keeping our school community well

Parents, carers and students are encouraged to practice prevention measures, including:

  • washing and sanitising hands regularly
  • avoiding touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
  • covering nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing 
  • staying home if unwell and consulting a general practitioner (GP) or Nurse-on-call as required
  • staying up to date with flu and COVID-19 vaccinations.

COVID-19 booster

The 2023 COVID-19 booster dose is available for everyone aged 18 and above.

Getting your booster dose remains the best way to prevent severe illness or hospitalisation, especially in people aged over 65 and those at higher risk of severe illness.

You can have your booster dose 6 months after your last dose or COVID infection.

Children aged between 5 and 17 years who are at risk of severe illness can also receive a 2023 booster dose. You can get your next dose at your local pharmacy or GP. 


Flu vaccinations

Symptoms of influenza (flu) can hit very quickly and may last several weeks. Vaccination is the best way to protect yourself and others from getting the flu. Annual influenza vaccination is recommended from mid-April each year and is free under the National Immunisation Program for those at higher risk of complications from the flu.


Flu vaccinations can be booked through GPs and pharmacies, many of which can also provide COVID-19 vaccinations. Flu vaccination is recommended for everyone aged 6 months and over.


Some people are more at risk of complications from flu and are eligible for free vaccination as part of the National Immunisation Program.

School Policy Consultation and Updates

Highvale Primary School regularly reviews and updates our policies and procedures to ensure they meet Department standards. These are available to view in our newsletter (see Policies section) and on our school website.


We are committed to continuous improvement in all of our approaches and welcome feedback from families and members of our school community on policies, procedures and practices. 


Policies currently under consultation and/or review can be found in the School Policy Consultation and Update section of the newsletter.


If you have any suggestions, comments or questions, please contact our school office on 9877 8000 to be directed to the appropriate staff member.

School Tours and 2024 Enrolments

School Tours for Prep 2024 and new Year 1-6 students are provided on Wednesday mornings between 9.30-10.45am. Due to very high demand, tours must be booked through the school office (Ph. 9887 8000). If you have friends, family or neighbours with school age children, especially those commencing Prep in 2023 please encourage them to book a tour to find out more about our wonderful school and community.


The virtual tour is available at https://highvaleps.vic.edu.au/


Take care

Joshua Crozier

Assistant Principal
