This Week's Updates

Dear Families,
This week is the middle week of the term and staff are commencing work on your children's reports. At our recent SAC meeting we agreed to not include the parent comment page in the reports. Over the past few years we have found that completing this page is often overlooked by many parents. Instead of this, we encourage parents to verbally discuss the positive aspects of the report with their children.
Congratulations to the many students who competed in last Friday's Cross Country event. St James came in first place and we had quite a few students progress to the Division stage on Monday 29 May. Thanks to Catherine Wall who coordinated the entire event for our 12 District schools.
Walk to School Day
Many St James students joined in the National Walk to School Day on Friday 19th May. The students enjoyed a safe and fun way to start the day with their friends and family.
Prep 2024 Enrolments
If you are a current family at St James and have a child starting school next year, please send in your application form by this Friday to ensure there is a place for your child. See attached 2023 SJV Enrolment Form.
A few other updates
- Friday Lamingtons - a reminder that lamingtons are now 3 for $1 or 50 cents each. This is due to increased costs from the suppliers
- Confirmation Child/Parent Evening tomorrow, Tuesday 23 May 7 - 8pm now here in the Community Centre - compulsory for all candidates and at least one parent to attend
Have a great week.