Digitial Technology

Foundation students have been exploring patterns, algorithms and problem solving through exploring tangrams and learning new devices such as the Play OSMO that St Bernard's have borrowed the Wangaratta Digital Hub- DTAC.




Grade 1/2's students have been busy learning new skills on their classroom iPads. They are becoming familiar with Google Classroom and are quickly mastering how to create, edit and modify Google Slides.




Grade 3/4’s have been enjoying cracking encoded messages and exploring different methods to decode secret messages. So far we have enjoyed using a Caesar cipher wheel and number/letter codes.


Grade 5/6's classes have been interpreting and analysing data to be able to gather information and answer questions. In the coming weeks all students in Grade 5/6 will be gathering light, sound and temperature data from around the school to identify factors that make an optimal learning environment. This will then lead to the students creating a digital system to alert them to when the light, sound or the temperature is not optimal for learning.