
Kristine Van

Residential Manager

Lost Property and "Leftovers"

For the next two Fridays (16 and 23 June 2023) from 1:00pm the Residential Office will have tables set up with a range of lost property and leftovers (i.e. not claimed, donated etc). Should parents or students wish to seek out a piece of uniform they need to replace, please visit us over the next two Friday's. 


Ambulance Subscriptions

A gentle reminder to parents and carers that an annual subscription for Ambulance Cover for your child may be a great investment to consider, with a local call out to the nearest medical centre (3 km) being close to $600 and much more for remote areas. Depending on your insurer or whether it is St Johns itself, the cost per annum is usually around $80 per person and less per person for family cover. With boarding away, sporting activities and all the wonderful extra curriculum tours such as Country Week and Northwest Tour, it is timely to think about it.  


Northwest Tour (NWT) Information sessions

For students attending NWT, we are holding an information evening next Thursday evening for students, with parents invited to attend via video conference.


We are getting very excited about NWT, and I am hoping most students have organised swags and or tents to share with another student. Please remember space is of a premium so a single or king single swag is preferred. Please re-read the packing list in preparation as we have requested a small bag or case per student only. It will be very chilly the first few nights of NWT so please ensure your child has warm clothes and bedding. Of course, as we move North, it becomes milder, but certainly will not be hot at night, so I encourage all to pack accordingly. Other questions can be brought up at the information night next week or please don't hesitate to ring me. 


I shall be in contact with all parents whose child has specific allergies or other medical plans to ensure we have the most up to date medication and prescriptions so they can be sent through electronically to a pharmacy should we require. If your child is on multiple medications, we would really appreciate the medication to be webster packed for those two weeks if at all possible, please. 


Kristine Van

Residential Manager