
Daniel de Beer

Farm Manager


Madison Corsini

Assistant Farm Manager

Year 12 students have been working hard this term with approximately only 9 days left on Farm for their schooling year!  We would like to emphasise the importance attending Farm each and every day. 


All students have an individual Training Plan which outlines what is required to be completed to achieve their Farm certificates. We have a lot of the short courses happening next term so please contact Mrs Corsini if your name is not on the list displayed in Classroom 7.  


White Card $120.00 

22 - 23 June 2023


Aus Chem - Term 3 

14 - 15 September 2023 

4 - 5 September 2023 


Loader Skid Steer Course

17 - 21 July 2023

9 -13 October 2023


Low-Stress Stock Handling Course

Term 3 Week 3 

31 July - All student paperwork

1 - 2 August- Group 1 Practical 

3 - 4 August- Group 2 Practical 


We cannot stress enough to the Year 12s the importance of taking every opportunity to complete practical and written studies as Term 2 is nearly over and Term 3 will fly past.  Students are encouraged to ask if they need any assistance or support. 


Weekend Duty 

There are a few Year 12s that have been missing their weekend duty rosters, so I thought I would just remind everyone of the importance of attending 1 weekend duty a year. Completing the weekend duty is a requirement for the core unit of competency AHCWRK204 - “Work Effectively in the Industry”, which is required to complete Certificate II in Agriculture. 


Just a reminder, that swapping a weekend roster is strongly discouraged but in the event that this situation arises, students must give a valid reason, two weeks’ notice to Mrs Corsini and find another student to replace them.  Students and parents have access to the roster through Daily Notices, Farm Noticeboard, College Chatter and via email.  


Daniel de Beer

Farm Manager


Madison Corsini

Assistant Farm Manager