
Sarah Aynsley 

Head of Curriculum

Week 10 Timetable

There will be plenty to do during Week 10 for those of you staying with us at the College. Class staff are organising some exciting activities and you will also have the opportunity to catch up on projects, assignments and theory booklets.  Some days will be allocated to classroom time, some to Farm and Trades.  Groups are available from Mrs Aynsley in the Class Office.


On time to Class

Just a friendly reminder that it is important to arrive on time to Class so that we do not lose any of our valuable learning time.  Repeated late arrivals will incur a demerit as per our school policy.


Sarah Aynsley 

Head of Curriculum



Animal and Plant Production Systems - Ms Jury

The Year 11 ATAR Plant Production Systems students are in the middle of their salinity investigation, testing the salt tolerance of wheat, barley, lupins and vetch. 


In upcoming weeks they will finalise their observations and measure the vegetive matter that each plant produces at 0g/L, 2.5g/L, 5g/L and 10g/L. The Year 12 ATAR and General APS students are all working on assessments investigating different animal and plant markets for Australian produce, looking at how consumer preferences dictate the market specifications and determining management strategies that increase production efficiency and quality.  



Today our Year 12 ATAR and General APS students were provided with the opportunity to attend a 'lamb survival and post-mortem' course hosted on site by presenter Ken Hart. This course provided students with the skills required to identify the causes of lamb fatalities. This, in turn, will improve their understanding of management practices at lambing to further develop their own management skills, allowing them to recognise and implement strategies that can be used to help increase their own lamb weaning percentages.