John XXIII Alumni & Foundation 

On the Wings of a Stove

The John XXIII Foundation and Alumni have been connecting with the members of the College community who were involved in creating and promoting a fabulous fundraising cookbook called ‘On the Wings of a Stove’ in the late 80’s.  A high tea was held at the College on Thursday 29 October, to reconnect those involved in the cookbook with approximately 45 attendees.  Sally Clohessy and Soosie Thompson who were coordinators of the book, with Geraldine Darbyshire (who unfortunately couldn’t join us for the event), shared some stories about that time in the College history.


If you or a loved one would like to join us for the next event, celebrating this era in the College’s history, please get in touch with Kate Murphy, Foundation Executive Officer, on  or Mobile 0403 345 662