Roles in the PFA


Next year we will add a new office bearer role to our committee: Communications Officer. Until the role is made official at the AGM we would like to know if anybody can volunteer between now and March. This role will handle all our communication with the school in addition to updating our FB page. The person responsible should be able to attend most of the monthly meetings that we currently hold on Tuesday evenings. If you are interested please email If you can't commit to Tuesday evenings but are still interested in taking part in the PFA please see below for my next message on the school fete. 


Exciting!School Fete - PFA Sub-committee.

We are ambitiously planning a school fete for November next year but we can not do this alone. We would like to bring together a sub-committee of individuals that have the combined skills to pull off this kind of event. We need at least six individuals to meet initially in December 2020 to start putting together a plan. As this is a sub-committee you can decide your own meeting schedule. If you are interested please email


 I will get back to all interested people by Friday 20th November, so I can organise your first meet up.


Charlotte H.