Grade 4/5/6

Remembrance Day 2021

A group from our student leadership team led the ceremony on Wednesday 11th November. Leyla, Jackson, Elki, Louis, Beatrix and Freida did an amazing job planning and presenting the ceremony and creating the wreaths.

All students in grades 4-6 were able to attend the ceremony at our remembrance garden. The students shared information about the significance of Remembrance Day and then lead a minute silence. The ceremony was streamed via teams to the whole school.


'In Flanders Fields' by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae

This poem was read at our school ceremony.


In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place: and in the sky

The larks still bravely singing fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.


We are the dead: Short days ago,

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved: and now we lie

In Flanders fields!


Take up our quarrel with the foe

To you, from failing hands, we throw

The torch: be yours to hold it high

If ye break faith with us who die,

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields


Our Values Day

On Thursday 11th November all students participated in a 'Values Day'.

Students completed tasks which each had a focus on one of our school values.


Student Leadership 2021

During literacy lessons, we have been exploring persuasive texts and debating. 

All lessons have been aimed at developing the students skills in preparation for applications for 2021 student leadership positions and Grade 6 2020 farewell speeches.

Students will be presenting their leadership speeches in week 8.


Buddy Program

This week we wrote letters to our buddies to reflect our our year together.  We will be sharing our letters with our biddies next week.



Grade 6 Graduation 

The Grade 6 Graduation will be on Tuesday 15th December. The students will enjoy dinner together from 5pm, and the ceremony at 6pm, on school premises.


Unfortunately at this point, no families or friends can attend the ceremony live. However, we will provide a live video steam of the evening. 


We will send an update if there are any changes.