Our Catholic Identity

Catholic Mission 2020 - School Fundraiser



Thank you, to everyone for your generosity and support of Catholic Mission last Thursday 29 October during the ‘Sockit’ to Poverty 2020 School Fundraiser. Students participated with great spirit by wearing crazy socks and working together to make recycled soccer balls. Lots of fun was had using these soccer balls in relays, juggling and shoot out challenges. As a school community, we raised $632.00. This money will help many needy people in the focus country of Cambodia and around the world.  Well done St Joey’s!


“Together we can ‘kick goals’ and reach out to others in need”


Sacramental  Program for 2020

Congratulations to Sebastin F, Isaac W, Jessie H, Finn P, Zoe A, Ivy J, Charlotte L, Imogen H, Kobi C and Flynn W in Year 3 who made their First Holy Communion last Sunday 1 November with Fr Patrick or Fr Richard. A special time for them and their families as they received the Eucharist for the first time and were nourished in their Faith. Thank you to Mrs. Charadia, Mr. Cox, Miss O'Donoghue and Mrs. Woods who supported the students at these masses.


Our thoughts and prayers are with all the other Year 3 students as they prepare to make the Sacrament in November. God Bless!


First Holy Communion Mass Booking/Registration

Candidates and their parents have been registered for these masses. A reminder that additional bookings enquiries need to be made via the Parish Office on 42 84 3000. Please be aware of the limit of 60 at each mass due to restrictions. 



Our thoughts and prayers are with the Year 6 students making the Sacrament of Confirmation this week and next. May the peace and gifts of the Holy Spirit be with them as they grow in faith and deepen their relationship with God. Reminder for students to wear their ‘Sunday Best’ and arrive at 6:45pm (15min. early) for a 7pm start.


Further inquiries, please contact the Parish Office on 4284 3000.