Principal's Page

Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

Congratulations to our Year 6 students who will this week, or next week, receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. This sacrament of initiation links with Baptism and Holy Communion but importantly it is the first time that most of these young Catholics will affirm the promises made, on their behalf, by their parents at baptism. 


The essential rite of Confirmation is the anointing with Sacred Chrism (oil mixed with balsam and consecrated by the Bishop), which is done by laying on of the hands by the minister who says, "Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit."


Throughout history, oil was widely used to anoint kings and priests. They were anointed with oil as a sign that they had been set apart for a special task given to them by God.

David was anointed as the king of Israel. He was filled with the Holy Spirit.

Samuel took the olive oil and anointed David in front of his brothers. Immediately the Spirit of the Lord took control of David and was with him from that day on.

- 1 Samuel 16:13


Jesus was anointed before he began the special work given to him by God the Father.

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has chosen me to bring good news to the poor.

- Luke 4:18


Year 6 students are very much in our thoughts and prayers this week as they begin their special work given to them by God. They are confirmed as disciples of Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit, and called to carry out God's mission to bring the Good News to others throughout their lives, and in the way they live their lives.


I am particularly grateful to Mrs. Christine Smith, Year 6 Teacher and Religious Education Coordinator, for her dedication, energy, and work in preparing the Year 6 students with Mr Matthews. Chris has worked in collaboration with Fr Patrick to organise the sacramental program this year. Thank you.


For all things at St Joseph’s, give thanks!

Jen Charadia


How is my child going?

It has been a little more challenging to less formally catch up with your child's class teacher this year due to COVID-19 restrictions. Please know that you are always welcome to speak with your child's teacher either over the phone or meeting in the school office. Your communication with your child's teacher is important so please do not hesitate to make a time to speak with them.

Student Leadership 2021

Year 5 parents will be interested in the St Joseph's student leadership process. Please see the attached document for information. Teachers will take students through the process with me and there is no need for you to make any preparation with your child. Students interested in nominating themselves will be well supported at school.

Formation of Classes for 2021 

All requests regarding a child’s placement for 2021 classes should be made in writing and addressed to the Principal by this Friday 6 November 2020. Whilst parental requests are considered, there is never a guarantee that they will be granted. If you plan to make a request, particularly about your child being placed within a friendship group, please be aware that there may be circumstances surrounding such requests that prevent it from being granted.

Year 6 Farewell

Last week, I met with a very generous and enthusiastic group of Year 6 parents to discuss the Year 6 Farewell and I hope to provide some information for parents now.


The current COVID-19 health advice will see certain restrictions in place, the most significant of these is that parents will be unable to attend. This is disappointing as the farewell is such a wonderful community event and not only an opportunity for students to farewell their primary school years but to also farewell those families with their last child at St Joseph's.


The Years 6 Farewell will be held on Tuesday 15 December during the day. It will include a liturgy, lunch, speeches, awards, presentations, farewell to leaving families, and a disco. We are also hoping to either live stream or video the farewell for parents.


The parent volunteers are hoping to decorate the hall but this will depend upon COVID-19 restrictions at the time. If this is not possible I will ensure that some staff members are available.


Please be assured that all social distancing and hygiene protocols will be in place, including those around food service and handling. The safety of all involved is a priority.


The Year 6 parents I met with last week have already begun planning and I thank them for their valuable contribution to this wonderful school event.


School Handbook

Principal Awards and Merit Awards

The following students will receive their Principal Awards at our afternoon assembly on Friday 6 November 2020.  

Thomas L1st
Maya B2nd
Mia D2nd
Roxy D3rd
Seughan K4th
Alexander W4th
Grace L4th
Dylan R3rd
Ellyse D4th
Alex B4th
Abigail H4th
Claudia A5th
Jayden T4th
Lucy B4th
Sienna M6th
Leah D5th
Jesse D6th

Acknowledgement to Country

St Joseph's Bulli acknowledges and pays respect to the Dharawal people past and present, the traditional custodians of the land on which our school is built.