Teaching and Learning

Term 3 Summary Reports


Term 3 Summary Reports are now available for parents to read on PAM.  Also included for Year 7-9 students are the Maths Pathway reports. To find reports go to pam.sje.vic.edu.au, click on the child’s name and then click Assessment Reports. Please read and discuss the contents of your child's report with them. 


Please note that for Year 12 students the next report will  not be released until Monday October 26. It will be a full semester report, including all SACs, outcome completion and Unit 4 results.


Students are to be congratulated on their application and efforts during Term 3 with the challenges presented by Remote Learning.


We understand that Remote Learning has been difficult for some students and your child's progress to date for Semester 2 may at this stage of the semester be Not Satisfactory for one or more subjects. This will be a result of your child not submitting all assessment tasks for that subject or having not yet submitted one or more tasks at a satisfactory standard. 


With the return to on-site learning, your child's teachers will work with your child to assist them in completing these tasks to the best of their ability. If they submit and meet the requirements of these Assessment Tasks, this will be reflected in their end of Semester 2 Report. Please support and monitor your child's progress with this.


Please contact your child's teacher to discuss any concerns you may have.


VCE 2021 Subject Confirmation 


Students undertaking VCE in 2021 will be provided with a copy of the VCE grid, showing their subjects for 2021, in the next few days.  A considerable amount of time and effort is devoted to maximizing student choices for VCE and this grid has been formulated to cater for student preferences.


A vast majority of students have been successful in obtaining all their choices, however, in a small number of cases we have been required to refer to reserve preferences.  Usually this has been caused by our inability to offer some subjects due to insufficient numbers or in very few cases a clash on the grid where two desired subjects are running at the same time. Some subjects also have small student numbers and will have to be reviewed if these numbers drop.


For those who have missed subjects they are keen to complete, there is the option of Distance Education. If students would like to explore this option further, they need to contact Mrs Crossman in the Careers Centre to register interest.


Students and families who are concerned about the subjects they have been offered or are considering changes to original selections are most welcome to contact the Pathways Coordinator Mrs Beth Crossman at school to discuss alternative options.


VCE Booklists and Step Up Program


  1. Year 10 and 11 students will undertake the Step Up program for their Year VCE studies in the weeks of November 23 & 30. In readiness for this VCE, book lists are available online at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TanLvw15wJ6J1iXHmxWhSItlZXgiVRdN/view?usp=sharingand can also be found under SIMON links at VCE Booklist 2021. Students will be provided with a paper copy of this as well as instructions on how to order on-line.


VCE Booklists are due on-line by Friday 23rd October.  All orders will be posted to the selected address FREE OF CHARGE in the week ending Friday 13 November.  There is an option to purchase books secondhand through Sustainable School Shop.  The book list timeline has been brought forward to ensure that VCE students have the necessary resources for both step up weeks and over the summer break. Step Up enables students to start their VCE studies in earnest, including the provision of some preparatory homework for the holiday period, with a view to alleviating some of the time pressures and constraints of next year.  Consequently it is an important time in the life of a VCE student and it will be crucial that our students bring the right mindset to it.


We look forward to an exciting, challenging and rewarding 2021 for our VCE students.


Lisa Saillard

College Leader - Teacher and Learning