STEAM Activity for Year 7

STEAM for 2017 at MGC is off and running starting with 7C1 who spent time in the STEAM room on Monday. The Term 1 program for Year 7s involves the students using robots during a two-period session to complete a challenge which requires employing coding and working in pairs.


Students experienced an introduction to essential soft skills which included Critical Thinking and Resilience. During their session they became familiar with their robot and, using block-based coding, they completed a challenge which involved navigating a maze, rescuing captured superheroes or collecting golf balls robotically.


The remaining Year 7 classes will participate in the Robotics program this semester. Other year levels will be participating in data and information management, Python coding, introductions to algorithmics and wearable technology.


All students are invited to visit the STEAM room on Thursday lunchtimes to “play”.

Wendy Keen

STEAM Leader