Enviro News

Pedal Cinema

Our 6th annual Pedal-Powered community cinema will be happening this Friday the 24th of February. Come along and enjoy a screening of Finding Dory.

Keeping up with The New JONESES!

As part of the Sustainable Living Festival, a select group of MGC Environment representatives have volunteered their time to be “Earth Stewards” and guide public visitors through the New Joneses tiny house temporarily set up at Federation Square.

Our students have teamed up with students from University High to put together a tour through a demonstration home built on the corner of Swanston St and Flinders St. Our girls learnt simple tips for living greener from organisations such as Sustainability Victoria, Fair Trade Australia, Wormlovers, Momentum Energy, Bank Australia and even BMW (who featured their 100% electric car, which is so green the wool seats are dyed with ink dyed from olive tree leaves).


The whole project is organised by Tamara Dimattina, who is an inspirational leader and frequent guest speaker at MGC and the woman behind ‘Buy Nothing New month’. Our young environmentalists are themselves great leaders and have picked up a few more tips from like-minded individuals while they volunteer their time at Federation Square. If you are interested in seeing more, the house will be open until Sunday 26th Feb and will feature as part of the 2018 Sustainable Living Festival.