Steve Quinn

Middle Sub School Leader


I would like to congratulate all Middle Sub School students for a fantastic start to the year. I have been constantly pleased with the positivity I am witnessing around the College and the commitment of students to their studies early in the year. Keep this momentum going and you will reap the rewards!

Progress Reports

The first round of Progress Reports were released this week and this is a great opportunity to celebrate successes, but also identify areas for improvement. We report regularly (every 4 weeks) for the important reason of remaining constantly informed on how students are tracking towards their learning goals and engaging in the classroom. It is essential that parents and carers are reviewing these reports with their students and having meaningful discussions around their content. Also, if at any time you have any questions or concerns around reports, please feel free to contact the relevant teachers or coordinators at the College.

Year Level Captains

We recently had our elections for Year Level Captains. Students were required to put in an application and make a speech in front of their respective year levels outlining why they were the best candidate. Then their peers voted on who they wanted to represent them throughout 2022. I am proud to announce, and want to congratulate, our Year Level Captains below:


Year 9 

Gloria Baraka              9D

Dean Smilevski           9C


Year 10

Benny Baraka             10B

Samuel Westerland    10F

Morrisby Profiling 

Our Year 9 cohort recently completed their Morrisby profiling sessions where they completed a survey outlining their strengths, abilities and interests which will in turn be used to match their data to aligned career pathways. It is great way to provide some insight for students into what jobs are out there they may be interested in and help motivate their choices moving through their remaining years in the schooling system. 


As I mentioned earlier, I have been blown away by the level of positive interactions from students so far this year with their peers, their teachers and their studies. Evidence of this is the amount of positive green Compass entries being made for students across the Sub School. Normally I might recognise those who have received more than one positive recognition, but due to the sheer number I now am only able to list those who have received more than 2. Congratulations to the following students:

  • Bailey Rix                    9D
  • Anabelle Gardner       9B
  • Luke House                 9E
  • Jaxon Brideson           9G
  • Reghan Briggs            9G
  • Sean Flynn                  9G
  • Dayna Maring             9G
  • Hadi Norouzi               9G
  • Jayden Brand              10A

Take care and let’s keep up the great work!