Daniel Grozdanovski
Year 7 Coordinator
Students in Year 7 were fortunate enough to head out to Camp Sunnystone last week! They participated in a range of different activities such as bushwalking, canoeing, archery, low ropes course, rock climbing and more! It was a great opportunity for them to meet students from their classes and share their experiences with other students in Year 7.
Some students braved the outdoors and slept in tents whilst others decided the comfort of cabins was for them. Our campers were greeted in the mornings by the sounds of birds and kangaroos which were feeding nearby. At night we had the campfire going and students heated up some marshmallows (some a little too crispy).
Overall it was a great experience and students have hopefully developed some friendships that will last their entire time here at NGSC. Below are some happy snaps of our campers!