Paul Dawson and Bradley Headlam
Brad Smallman and Sarah Bridges
Masks are now longer expected in the school buildings and it is interesting to see now what has gone on behind the mask in the last two years. Given the intermittent approach to schooling there may need to be some reminders of other uniform expectations also. Can parents please remind your children of the following expectations that are clearly stated in the student diary:
- The ONLY facial piercing permitted is a single small stud worn on the nose.
- There is an expectation that boys will be clean-shaven. Beards and moustaches are not permitted.
- Hair colour at school must be a natural looking hair colour.
- Fingernails must be natural nails (not artificial) and a short/respectable length so that students can perform all learning tasks without affecting the hygiene or safety of themselves or others.
If your child is not meeting the requirement as they leave the house for the day, send them back inside to address their uniform or expect a consequence such as detention. In the event it is a senior student who has repeatedly failed to meet the expectations of the school we might send them home to change.
The first round of Progress Reports have been published to everyone. You will have received a notification that the Progress Reports are available for viewing. These are published to parents every 4-5 weeks and are used by Sub Schools to identify excellent effort and monitor for students at risk of failing.
We have made some slight changes and, for some families, it is completely new. We have therefore attached the descriptors below and listed a few reminders/updates/explanations:
One of the main points to observe is the attendance. This has been an area of focus for the last few years and we have high expectations with student attendance. As a result our attendance has improved remarkably as has the performance of our students. It does make sense that if the students are here more frequently they are going to learn more.
The reports have an attendance component and we report against our expectation of 95% attendance. 'Always' means the student is meeting the expectation of 95% or above. 'Never' indicates that they are not meeting this expectation of 95% attendance and their overall attendance is below 80%.
Students who have had to quarantine
Any student who has been required to isolate due to COVID was required to quarantine for 7 days. We are expected to keep this confidential and therefore, the report for attendance cannot be amended. This means, unfortunately, that a COVID related absence will impact the attendance component of the reports for these students. The overall report, however, should reflect the student's approach to learning in general.
Progress Reports: Descriptors
Meets Attendance Requirement: will be assessed based on the following description: “Students are able to meet the minimum 95% attendance requirement of NGSC”. | |
Always | 95% or above |
Usually | 91 - 94% |
Sometimes | 85 - 90% |
Rarely | 80 - 84% |
Never | 79% or lower |
Progress In Learning: Student actively participates in school-based learning activities, Student is progressing towards meeting the expected level of the relevant outcome or standard. NB: Teacher judgements are made in consideration with student attendance; students with less than 84% attendance (Rarely/Never against the NGSC Attendance Requirement) are unable to receive ‘grades’ above Rarely/Never for this reporting descriptor. | |
Always | Habitually, reliably, always |
Usually | Nearly always, likely to happen with occasional lapses |
Sometimes | Attempts are made but lack regular consistency |
Rarely | Attempts are made very occasionally, they are rarely noticeable |
Never (not assessed) | Not assessed: the student’s low attendance prevents the assessment of these skills or behaviours for this reporting period |
Participates in Learning: Regularly attends class and engages in the learning of key knowledge, skills and understandings. Maintains organised class notes, asks questions to enhance learning, works effectively in team situations. Displays resilience. NB: Teacher judgements are made in consideration with student attendance; students with less than 84% attendance (Rarely/Never against the NGSC Attendance Requirement) are unable to receive ‘grades’ above Rarely/Never for this reporting descriptor. | |
Always | Habitually, reliably, always |
Usually | Nearly always, likely to happen with occasional lapses |
Sometimes | Attempts are made but lack regular consistency |
Rarely | Attempts are made very occasionally, they are rarely noticeable |
Never | Not assessed: the student’s low attendance prevents the assessment of these skills or behaviours for this reporting period |
Demonstrates Preparation for Learning: Arrives on time, Prepared for class. Attentively waiting for teacher instructions. Catch-up work completed. Focussed and ready to learn, brings all necessary materials, including pencil case and a charged device. Completes set homework by the required date, catches up on missed work due to absence.
| |
Always | Habitually, reliably, always |
Usually | Nearly always, likely to happen with occasional lapses |
Sometimes | Attempts are made but lack regular consistency |
Rarely | Attempts are made very occasionally, they are rarely noticeable |
Never | Not assessed: the student’s low attendance prevents the assessment of these skills or behaviours for this reporting period |
Displays Respect for Learning: Actively and enthusiastically participates in a variety of learning opportunities offered in class. Treats self, others, staff and equipment/materials with respect, uses reports/assessments, criteria and rubrics, teacher and peer feedback, sample responses and demonstrations to make progress in his/her learning. Recognises that in order to improve, resilience is required. Is self-motivated and accountable for his/her/their learning. Actively seeks support from teachers to catch up following absence. | |
Always | Habitually, reliably, always |
Usually | Nearly always, likely to happen with occasional lapses |
Sometimes | Attempts are made but lack regular consistency |
Rarely | Attempts are made very occasionally, they are rarely noticeable |
Never | Not assessed: the student’s low attendance prevents the assessment of these skills or behaviours for this reporting period |
We had some fantastic visits from Primary schools recently and students left the College thrilled with what staff have provided. The students took part in PE, Art, Cooking and Science and all took home some allegedly (they did not share) delicious cookies, an Indigenous designed pot plant, a down ball and slime.
The first Be Bold Be Heard Forum will be held on 23 March at GMHBA stadium. Students who wish to participate in this should speak to Mr Headlam. It involves discussing our school and acting to improve student voice, engagement and agency in class, college and community. This year we have 10 Secondary schools involved in the day and already some fantastic presenters. In the lead up to this our students will observe our data and plan objectives to be shared in discussion with other schools on the day of the Forum.
To show our appreciation of students representing our college values consistently we have launched the Principal’s Brunch. This is a Brunch held by the Principals for students who have received 10 or more positive entries in Compass during the term. This will be held at recess on Friday 1 April. It is already pleasing to see students achieving this goal.
10 MARCH - Information/Open Night
28 MARCH - Athletics
1 APRIL - Inaugural Principal's Brunch
5 APRIL - Parent/Teacher Conferences