
Sarah Byron 


Over the last 3 days, the cadets have enjoyed the experience of the Annual Recruit Bivouac. Twenty-two seniors headed out to Glendinning, 24 hours prior to the recruits arriving to ensure that the camp area was ready. The senior cadets quickly got into setting up their platoon harbors and headquarters ready for the onslaught of 89 recruits. They also enjoyed presenting and participating in the lessons that they would deliver to their cadets. At the end of the day, we all sat around the campfire, toasting marshmallows with lots of laughter and commraderie. 


On Wednesday, the recruit (Yr 8) cadets arrived, many looking a little out of their comfort zone, however willing to give it a go. After lunch and the safety brief, the cadets went and set up their hootchies and prepared their areas for sleeping. With the can-do attitude, the cadets participated in their first lessons, including basic NAVEX (navigation); basic RATEL (radio communication); Field Engineering & Survival; First aid and Cam and Con (camouflage and concealment). On Thursday, the cadet were woken for some morning exercise before a continental breakfast, parade and then straight into further activities. At lunch we broke camp in record time and were eagerly awaiting the buses to return to school for lunch. After unpacking the stores, the cadets enjoyed some much-needed rest, before heading home.

I would like to thanks all the leaders for their expectational job in ensuring the that cadets had a fantastic experience on their first biv. Thanks to the staff who took the time out of their busy schedules to stay 3 days as well as those who came out overnight. 


To all the yr 8 cadets, you all were fantastic, and I hope that you will continue to have the positive attitude to cadets throughout the remainder of 2022.


CAPT Sarah Byron